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Epic postcard collection to trade for whatever -Edited!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:49 pm
by nointelhere
I have been given an Epic collection of postcards, many used with stamps on them, lots unused covering a wide variety of subjects and locations. Many in clear cellophane wrapper. I am offering these for trade.
I'm going at it a bit different here, in that I will trade appropriate quantities of cards for some other item which travels well through the postal system.
For example lapel pins, the kind that represents an event, organization, or location. Military, police or other professional services badges etc. If you are an artist, something you made, a gardener, Heirloom seeds. The list of things that can travel well and inexpensively through the postal system is large.
I will consider anything you offer, everybody has stuff they don't need around them.
I am located in Toronto Ontario Canada.
Tell me what you are looking for and what you have to offer.

Important notice: Nothing of an explicit adult nature should be offered. Depending on the items offered I may require proof of age. I'm not here to take advantage of youthful inexperience.

Edited April 13, 2011
Good heavens! I forgot to add my email address, well here it is: