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Removing postcards from and album

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:35 am
by Shar
Hello....Does anyone know how to remove postcards from an album that have been glued to pages? I would like to take them out but don't want to ruin the pc itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Removing postcards from and album

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:27 am
by MichaelDay
There's no easy answer to this as all methods will work for some types of card but not others, it also very much depends on the type of glue used and whether you want to keep the pages intact.

If you really must do it... try experimenting on one or two of the least interesting/valuable items.

But from experience it's very time consuming and you'll have as many disasters as you do triumphs.

Re: Removing postcards from and album

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:55 pm
by Laura Vona
I am wondering if anyone has any hints for fixing dents that occur in the corners of postcards that have been affixed to an album with photo corners.
I have a lot of great cards from older collections that were stored this way for long periods of time, for the most part they look great from the front but dents can be seen on the back sides where the photo corners were.