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Tucks 'rough sea' info help please!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:18 pm
by mrscott
I've been picking up postcards from Tucks 'rough sea' series for the last couple of years with the hope of amassing a fairly concise collection of them.
I'm getting a little frustrated though as I don't know anything about the series, i.e, how many cards in each series,how many locations, how many series, what the series number means (the numbers I have are pretty random and up to 4 figures) etc etc.

I understand there are a number of books that might have some information regarding these cards - (Collector's Guide to Raphael Tuck & Sons by Blair & Margaret Whitton, 1991. The Picture Postcards of Raphael Tuck & Sons by J.H.D. Smith (Ed.), 2000. etc) but as they're mostly out of print, this isn't much help!

Does anyone have any information regarding the 'Rough seas' series, spare cards, help or advice they could possibly offer me please??



Re: Tucks 'rough sea' info help please!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:21 pm
by eastlondonpostcard
What a great theme! - just had a look in my copy of J H D Smith's book on Tuck's postcards - there are many, many sets in the index - most if not all will be sets of six - and I counted the following titles:
Rough Sea - 65 sets
Rough Sea Postcards - 10 sets (different UK seaside towns)
Rough Sea Scottish - 5 sets
Rough Seas - 50 sets
Rough Seas from Nature - 9 sets

Many of these sets appear to be painted by G E Newton and are produced in different styles and backs etc. - so that some of the images would be duplicated across sets. As they are so many titles to list, I have scanned the list - check it out here:

Have you started to complie a checklist, I wonder? - I'll see if I have any as well.

The book is a valuable reference and I was fortunate to pick mine up secondhand off an on-line auction house - keep a look out, as they do turn up now and again.

Hope this helps - best of luck!

Re: Tucks 'rough sea' info help please!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:32 pm
by mrscott
Thanks for the info, that is a great help and makes a little more sense now!
I do seem to have many that aren't on that list, though i'm guessing that it won't perhaps be a complete list due to the 1940 bombing destroying much of the records?.
Cheers again!! :D