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Any New Zealand members who could help?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:00 pm
by pictoucounty
I live in Canada and collect postcards from Pictou County, Nova Scotia, particularly those published by my GGfather and family. A couple of weeks ago I ran across a card that I have never seen in over 10 years of collecting, at ... 292246.htm , an auction website based in New Zealand. I tried to register but ran up against barriers to anyone outside of New Zealand. I contacted the auction sites help but they flatly turned me down, saying that their site only was legal for New Zealand registrants.

The auction has expired but there is still a link where you can ask the seller to relist IF you live in New Zealand. Is there anyone out there who lives in New Zealand who would be willing to contact this seller and purchase this card on my behalf. I would happily pay an extra fee to anyone willing to help me on this, and I can get all currencies, or pay in US or Canadian dollars.

Allison Nelson[/url]

Re: Any New Zealand members who could help?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:15 am
by Tweety
Did you manage to get this postcard?

I have just joined the group and live in New Zealand. I have checked the auction on TradeMe which you talk about and it did not sell. I am not able to find an email address to contact this person through the site. They have no sales at present so cannot contact them. Sorry I can't think of any other way of contacting this member of TradeMe.

Re: Any New Zealand members who could help?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:47 am
by eastlondonpostcard
Good news - I am fortunate to have a contact in New Zealand who has been successful in acquiring the card on your behalf from the original seller - if you still want the postcard please PM me with your details and I can put you two in touch with each other if that's OK - best wishes

Re: Any New Zealand members who could help?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:46 am
by pictoucounty
I just wanted to let everyone know that there was a happy ending to this request for help! Thank you to eastlondonpostcard and especially his friend in New Zealand, Kevin Hannah, who went out of their way, to obtain the postcard I wanted so badly and send it to me in Canada. I am in the process of putting scans of it into my website right now, and I just wanted to tell everyone there are still some awesome people in this world and you guys qualify!

Allison Nelson

Re: Any New Zealand members who could help?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:11 am
by eastlondonpostcard
pictoucounty wrote:I just wanted to let everyone know that there was a happy ending to this request for help! Thank you to eastlondonpostcard and especially his friend in New Zealand, Kevin Hannah, who went out of their way, to obtain the postcard I wanted so badly and send it to me in Canada. I am in the process of putting scans of it into my website right now, and I just wanted to tell everyone there are still some awesome people in this world and you guys qualify!

Allison Nelson
Very Kind - happy, and glad to be able, to make it happen - good luck with the website