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what happens to collections for sale?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:38 pm
by Moonraker
Admittedly my own collecting interest is very narrow ("military Wiltshire"), but I seldom see any evidence of a dealer having bought a specialist collection. A year ago, one was selling off a relative's album of early aviation, and more recently one trader was offering a box of just-bought "military medical" and another had a high proportion of Melksham. But most offerings of new "military Wiltshire" (such as they are; the supply seems to be drying up) consists of one or two cards, almost as if they've been acquired from a random accumulation of very varied cards.

I wonder if dealers sell on within the trade part of a specialist collection won at auction?

And on more than one occasion I've noticed copies of the same "new" card being offered by several dealers; I don't suppose there's much point in one dealer having six copies of the same card, so, again, I wonder does (s)he spread them around? (By "new", I mean a vintage card I haven't noticed before.)


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:10 pm
by MichaelDay
The type of 'trade' dealing you are suggsesting happens fairly rarely, dealers will of course buy off each other before a fair opens to the public, but often this will be random purchases made with a 10% discount. Some 'deals' do of course take place though not very often... for example if I bought a large collection of Wiltshire cards (a county some distance from my usual locality) I'd be just as likely to book a fair or two in the area, to attempt to sell the cards directly, or sell on ebay, rather than offer them to another dealer with bulk discount.

Apart from 'remaindered' stock it's not often multiples of the same card will appear, where this does happen dealers are more likely to keep back the duplicate copies replacing one or two into stock as they sell. The market is very small for all but the most popular themes. If you told another dealer you had six copies of a card and offered them a discount to buy.. they'd be very wary of being 'caught' with the surplus stock and would require a substantial mark-up as inducement.