Picture Postcard Show

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Moderator: MichaelDay

Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:02 pm

Picture Postcard Show

Post by magda »

Did you go? Did you find any cards to buy? What did you think of the Show?

If you did not go, any specific reason?

Would like to hear all comments please

Dave Davis

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Location: Gillingham, Kent

Re: Picture Postcard Show

Post by Andrew »

Yes, I went, but only purchased eleven postcards. Mind you, given that I was there for just under three hours (day two, 4pm-6:45pm), that's not bad going. i also purchased another album from Rob Roy Albums.

I thought the show - at least what I saw of it - was just as good as the last couple of years. Sellers were all friendly, and I understand from one that I had come at a "quiet time". That suited me just fine.

I must admit that I can't remember the names of all the sellers whose stands I visited, but I have great admiration for their patience and stamina. Sellers were only too willing to help, and some even searched for me.

If I mentiioned it was "castles" I was after, then some might remember me. One informed me that I would never spend a lot of money on castle postcards. However, it's difficult to define "not a lot of money". I do recall that in general, prices seemed to be higher this year. I have no gripe about this, as I suspect this reflects the greater overheads which sellers are experiencing.

The hall itself was very hot, and I was not surprised to see some sellers with their own fans. I was thankful that I came during a quiet time - if it had been too busy I may have not stayed so long - or spent so much money.

Overall, I'm sure I will return again next year. I'm hooked.

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Re: Picture Postcard Show

Post by Moonraker »

I have to confess that I gave it a miss this year for the first time since 1997. Last year's visit wasn't a great success for me, and I had seen all the likely dealers by about 3.30pm. (I'd already seen other dealers in recent months.)

In all fairness, I've been wondering for two or three years how many more cards I want to add to what is a very extensive collection (14 small albums). Sometimes I've been to large fairs in the Home Counties and purchased several very ordinary cards just to justify my visit.

Dealers have reported that they aren't being offered much of my sort of material. But each month eBay lists three or four cards on which I bid (with two-thirds success).

Posts: 29
Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:52 am

Re: Picture Postcard Show

Post by ECooper »

I enjoyed it, found some good cards and was impressed by the exhibition displays featuring seaside cards.

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