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Lack Of Seating

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:40 pm
by davyj
After returning today from the Tolworth fair, I must have a rant about the lack of chairs for customers this is quite a big fair and loads of room yet there were hardly any chairs out for customers to sit & browse at their leisure, I also found this at Haywards Heath last month where chairs for customers are nearly non exsistant.
Which I now find totally unacceptable, who wants to stand constantly for a few hours ?
So surely its time you fair organisers, started to think a little more of your customers, and come on dealers if the organiser has not done this it would not hurt you guys to put a couple of chairs in front of your stalls !!

Re: Lack Of Seating

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:20 am
by kevinramsdale
I totally agree that it's great to have chairs available, but some venues don't provide all that many in the first place, and priority has to go to the dealers, who are increasingly decrepit these days, and can't be expected to stand up all day.

However there is often a stack of chairs elsewhere in the venue which could be utilised, bearing in mind the layout of the stalls, as chairs can be a serious obstruction if the aisles are narrow and the fair is well attended. This would not be a problem after the first hour or so in most cases, when things have calmed down after the initial rush.

Re: Lack Of Seating

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:33 pm
by eastlondonpostcard
Hmm - this is a good one - are you complaining about the lack of seating in front of the tables or elsewhere in the fair, I wonder? - I know that often it's a safety issue to have them in the aIsles permanently - especially when the fair is busy and a chair could be in the way of other collectors. I personally find that sitting down is not always condusive for good viewing as you tend to get hemmed in by other 'standing' collectors.

But sometimes it's nice to have a sit down around the fair to gather strength and peruse the day's 'finds' however - out of the way - and in peace. I know of several collectors that carry a chair (from the room) with them around the fair and others that bring their own fold-up chair as well! - this not frowned upon.

But I must say that I never seem to have a problem at any fairs I attend with lack of seating - and if I do, I generally ask and one is soon found. As Kevin says, there are usually some knocking around and dealers/organisers are there to please if you ask them.

Again speaking personally, it's not often the case that collectors are at a table for any length of time, however, but if a chair is necessary, I would offer my own chair(s) up - as I'm usually too busy to use it myself anyway - and even suggest that the 'requestor' sits behind the table with me, so as not to be in the way - problem solved.

I know many other dealers do the same - so it's not a problem - you just have to ask.

Re: Lack Of Seating

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:14 pm
by davyj
As I said in my first post Tolworth was really bad, if you have ever been to the Tolworth fair you will know that the isles are big & there is loads of space, but hardly any chairs in front of the stalls especially when there is loads of room for them.
Plus why should I every time I go from stall to stall ask for a chair, it really is on the onus of the event organisers to supply chairs for customers.

Re: Lack Of Seating

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:19 pm
by Jotter
A simple solution here - take your own folding/shooting stick type chair with you, would never be without mine, and i love hogging the stands :wink: