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American in Cleveland, Ohio Looking for help.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:02 am
by Shieldohio
Hello friends over seas! I have a quick question to pose to you. I have come across your site while looking for postcards from the UK to send to my girlfriend. I'll try to keep the story as short as possible as not to bore you with my romantic side :)

There is a song called "Love Through Postcards" by Andrew De Torres and it is what we refer to as "our" song. I learned to play it but that isn't all I would like to do for her. We have plans to go to Europe (specifically England) after we graduate from university to see Wimbledon (or a Manchester United match depending on the time of year) and I would really like to send her some special "Love Through Postcards" with an official postcard from the UK.

The one hitch I keep coming across is you can really only buy postcards online in bulk. That's why I turned to you to see if someone would be interested in a trade of postcards or I could send you some money for one. One blank card is really all I need, not 250 haha.

If someone would like to help it would be much appreciated and you can either reply here or email me at

Thanks to all that took the time to read. It also doesn't have to be any collectible postcard, just anything from a tourist shop would do. Here is the song if anyone is interested in giving it a listen.