2-up, 2-ring albums

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2-up, 2-ring albums

Post by Moonraker »

When I started collecting cards 26 years ago, I bought 2-up, 2-ring albums (burgundy colour) from W H Smith's but didn't find these very durable, so switched to something similar (and less expensive) from Stanley Gibbons - who have discontinued them :cry:

There used to be an album stockist off the Strand in London but they moved to the south west and I can't locate them. And it's some years since I've been to a fair, but I recall that several in southern England were attended by two ladies (one called Jill??) who sold albums. I can't recall their names

Googling has led to nothing close enough and I think that my best chance of acquiring one or two more is to look at eBay listings - there are several for albums of various types (though not what I want) together with cards, offered at £12-20.

Of course, if anyone happens to have a couple of albums, complete with pages, like mine, I would be delighted to hear from them!

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Re: 2-up, 2-ring albums

Post by eastlondonpostcard »

Look no further that the PTA website! https://postcard.co.uk/pta_member_details.php?ref=208 - it is Jean Davis of Rob Roy Albums that you refer to... she attends many of the major post card fairs in the UK :D
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Re: 2-up, 2-ring albums

Post by Moonraker »

Ah, thanks for the speedy reply, which you must have posted just as my further Googling turned up Rob Roy! Sadly, there seems to be nothing in their stocks that comes reasonably close to matching what I already have.

I also discovered that W H Smith offer a better match, except there's no burgundy, only green or black, with no guarantee that they can supply the requested colour - not that I would want either.

I may be slightly OCD as I would like reasonable uniformity for my albums, though I don't fancy rearranging 2,600 cards into a set of matching brand new albums, especially with insert pages of write-up!

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Re: 2-up, 2-ring albums

Post by Moonraker »

If only to breathe some life into the forum ... I managed to buy the very last suitable album from a W H Smith remainder dealer and am keeping my eye on "postcard albums" listings on eBay. These means buying the contents as well. Yesterday I missed out on a perfect album match because of higher bidders, but have just won one a binder that was a reasonable match, with 144 modern cards inside, many of churches. And just as I'd put in the one and only winning bid, I noticed an identical listing one with modern British tourist cards starting at 0.99.

If I win that, that will probably be enough. I'll offer the cards in bulk on eBay, and if they don't sell there's a dealer in an antiques arcade who might take them for nothing. (Having flicked through his stock last summer, I can't see him making many sales.)

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Re: 2-up, 2-ring albums

Post by eastlondonpostcard »

At our club night yesterday, new member Ken Thom brought along some of his charity Post Cards including several albums that may match your needs. He is featured on page 47 of the current Picture Postcard Annual - it would be worth contacting him direct: mafpostcards@btinternet.com
~ send it on a Postcard please ~

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