Contact Details

General Site Enquiries:
If you have a comment, suggestion or would like to report a bug?
please contact webmaster Mike Day - at email:

Enquiries about Postcards:
What are Postcards Worth? - have a look at this page first!
Buying & Selling Cards - Please contact individual members listed on our Members Pages

Postcard Traders Association:
Hon. Secretary - Steve Kentfield

South of England (Woking) Postcard Show Festival of Cards (Shepton Mallet) - Please contact Clive Baker tel: 07802 402873

In the unlikely event of an unsettled complaint of unfair or dubious trading practice concerning any Postcard Traders Association member, details should be also sent in writing to:

PTA Hon. Secretary

Steve Kentfield
54 St Anthonys Crescent
tel: 01473 279965
mob: 07736 170005
